Ballpoint and Colored Pencils

ballpoint-and-colored-pencilI practice drawing at least two hours every single day.  I especially love doing the face.  This picture is of my wife, Norene.

I have studied the structure of the face extensively, so I try to portray cheekbones, the bones over the eyes, the chin, eyelids, and lips.  You will notice this drawing is done with a ball-point pen.  I portray the shadowy areas with crosshatch.  The lighter the area is, the smaller amount of ink.  I have used colored pencils to add life to the face.  The shadow areas are in blue, and the lighter areas in yellows and oranges.

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Comments on Ballpoint and Colored Pencils

March 3, 2009

Margaret @ 7:24 pm #

That’s quite a graphic storya about your ink-blue mouth! Thankfully you have made friends with ball point pens because your sketch of Norene with a few color highlights is wonderful!

Ashley @ 9:15 pm #

that is a great picture! i like the colored pencils added 2 it. i will never b able 2 draw as good as u!!!!!


March 4, 2009

Christine Roach @ 2:06 am #

That is very interesting how you used both ball point pen and colored pencil…oh and of course, I love your model.

Jan @ 8:46 pm #

You are so talented, Tom. I love this drawing. Your story is hilarious. I remember the blue ink pens with the cartridges. If you ever got a leaky one, you ruined your clothes. Of course, it was the fad in the 1960s to have one.