Copper Kettle


I taught a still-life painting class for six years, then stopped when I had a medical emergency close to two years ago. This is the first time I’ve attempted a still-life since then.

When I taught the class I emphasized filling the canvas and making the layout interesting, as well as using complementary colors. I always lit my subject with a lamp to show highlights and shadows to  create a dramatic effect.


Comments on Copper Kettle

January 23, 2012

Jennifer @ 8:31 pm #

How fun! I love all the reflected lights and colors.

Sarah @ 10:07 pm #

I love the colors. You have always been so good at painting reflections.

Marilyn Jensen Richhart @ 10:14 pm #

I love the the colors, how they are so vivid and true-to-life, It is like you could pick up the kettloes and use them. Another fantastic job by a very talented artist! LOL

Christine @ 10:26 pm #

I’m so glad you’re back to painting still lifes. I always love them. 🙂

January 24, 2012

Laci @ 12:22 am #

Extreme light contrast and the use of complimentary colors are two of my favorite tools to use in my work. I love that you showed me the light.

Susie @ 9:40 am #

The copper on the kettle looks like it was just polished and is ready to pour me a cup of hot water. Beautiful!

Margaret @ 6:40 pm #

As you know, I love still life paintings, and this one is so beautifully done. Your colors are such a compliment to your arrangement.

Teri @ 8:33 pm #

Love this painting Tom! Joanna loves stills and has gifted us with a few…we always feel fortunate to receive them!!! This painting makes the observer really want to be where the “copper kettle and friends” are!! Kindest regards from Az.!!!

January 27, 2012

June M. Newago @ 1:40 pm #

Hi Tom, was thinking about you and decided to look you up.

I love your art work. I used to do some painting but I haven’t for years now. BUT maybe I might try some again. You are very very talented and it’s all beautiful work.

As Ever
June M. Newago