Oil Painting Workshop


This video is from the oil painting workshop I taught this weekend at the fabulous Sherrus Gallery of Fine Art in Northville, Michigan.

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Comments on Oil Painting Workshop

September 22, 2008

Sherri @ 9:30 am #

Tom – we loved having you at Sherrus Gallery this past weekend. The workshop was fantastic – the students did some really excellent work and the feedback on your workshop was great! Thank you so very much for bringing your talents to Northville!! Sherri

Sarah @ 11:18 am #

You must be a great teacher! All of the student’s paintings were very nice.

September 24, 2008

Susie @ 10:20 am #

I am amazed at the quality of the paintings from all of your students. You could probably even teach a pig to paint, and the pig would have a great time doing it 🙂