

I’ve always wanted to do a painting with musicians. I was lucky enough to have an accomplished bass player take painting classes from me. I went to a club where he and a pianist were playing. It was exactly what I was looking for.

You can see the reflection of his head on the wall behind him and there is a highlight on his forehead as well. Light is coming in  from the blinds. The bass player’s arm has the reflected light from them and you can see the piano player’s shoulder  lit up. A glass is set on the piano to collect tips. I decided to include it in the painting to add interest. You can see the bass player’s arm through it. Highlights are on one side, and money is inside of it.

Comments on Tips

November 23, 2007

Christine @ 7:06 am #

Two words for this painting: Sooooo cool! I especially love the glass. Very interesting.

Shelly @ 11:25 am #

This may be one of my favorites…..the rich color is stunning.

Larraine @ 12:29 pm #

WOW! I love the music and the warmth! That is so fun!!!

Jennifer @ 5:32 pm #

I think that the warmth of the color create an inviting atmosphere and the glass is amazing!